Questions : dooors app walkthrough and solutions for dooors app 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 7,6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,32, 33, 34 and 35.

Answer : Are you a fan of dooors app game on android devices, iphone or ipad ? This game is an escape door games that very popular today. Dooors app game can be played on the android phone or tablet, iphone and ipad. But many of the dooors app players are difficulties to answer the puzzle or questions that given by this app and many of those who seek dooors app walkthrough or dooors app solutions to get out of each door.

Here we provide the complete of dooors app walkthrough and solutions to answer the question of dooors app number 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 7.6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 , 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,27, 28, 29, 30, 31.32, 33, 34 and 35.

Dooors app 1: The first thing we have to do is tap the first door to open door 1

Dooors app 2: After that, tilt the phone left, so the ball is rolling and open the door.

Dooors app 3: Tilt the phone left again and we will find a key right under the ball. We can use the key to open our door.

Dooors app 4: If we have used the key, we should pull the door handle that is hung from the left side of the ceiling. We should tap the door when it is open because it will close again, so don’t get too late.

Dooors app 5: There would be lamps and we have to tab the lamp that is located on the most left part to lift. Take the doorknob that was underneath the lamp then use the knob to open the door,

Dooors app 6: We will find a small glowing light on the left side. The light is a light switch. Make sure to tap it continuously until the six lights right above the door turn green. If they have turned green, we can open the door.

Dooors app 7: We have to make the squares on the door matches the circle on the side of the door. Red square equals white dot.

Dooors app 8: We will find two plants. Pay attention to the left plant and pick up a small red thing on it. Choose it from our inventory and use the tool to slide the door to the left. There is an arrow that we can follow.

Dooors app 9: The doors are moving, but the left one has slower move, but it doesn’t stop. To make a rotation, we can tap the right door. Make sure that we hit it on the right time. There is a circular cutout on the door and we just need to make sure that we make a perfect timing, so it hits the green area together. Right when it happens, we can tap the door to open it.

Dooors app 10 : To put the fire out, we should shake the screen. We should lift the burnt wood up then take the crank from the bottom. Focus on the left plants and tap them several times, so they are moving. On the wall, there is a middle circle and it fits the crank perfectly. Slip the crank and turn it, so the door opens.

Dooors app 11: We will find a red thing like a knob and we should put it in a hole, just right above the middle door, then we can simply tap the door.

Dooors app 12: We have to match the card symbols with the circles. Pay attention that some of the card symbols are sitting upside-down. If we find the upside-down symbols, then it means the match is the opposite from the normal one.

Dooors app 13: To unlock the door, we have to tilt the phone back and forth. When we open it, there will be a spider web on our way. On the left, there is a flaming stick and we can use it to burn the cobwebs, so we can walk through the door.

Dooors app 14: There is a slopping mark. We just need to use the orange knobs to make it straight.

Dooors app 15: On the left corner of the screen, we will find a bomb. Put it in front to of the door and light the bomb with a torch. The bomb will explode and leave some arrow signs on the door sides. Tilt the phone following the arrow to roll the ball and pull the ball each time we do it. If we find three arrows, on one side, then make sure to keep the ball there and try to pull the door handle three times.

Dooors app 16: The phone is the man, so the position of our iPhone equals the man. If we turn the iPhone face down, then the red bar right above the door turns green. We will need to open the door while the iPhone is upside down.

Dooors app 17: Tilt our phone to slide the rock near the light switch, Tap it to shut down the light and we will see E and T letters, Te left dial should be at 11 and the right dial should be at 7. When the red line turns green, we can open the door.

Dooors app 18: When we tap the red button, then the ball will jump. Make them do a double-jump to hit the ceiling and each ball will open half of the door.

Dooors app 19: We should slide the left and right door upward. The orange-colored ball should be taken and the while circle should be taped until they turn green. Slide both of the doors back. Choose the orange ball, then throw it by tapping the ceiling lights until it turns green. Go through by sliding up through the middle door.

Dooors app 20: Turn the dials on, so we will get the reflections on the left.

Dooors app 21: Tilt the phone until the water tanks hit the green line and the red bar turns green. Make sure to tap it, so it won’t lock.

Dooors app 22: We should open the floor tile to the left part. Grab the magnifying glass to see the tiger until we see some fruit images. It will be the color order. The top color is orange and we need to put the orange ball right on the spot.

Dooors app 23: To open the gate, we just need to slide it to the left. Drag the ball to the right and move the plant then tap the white circle, so it becomes green. Slide the gat back to the left and slide the door to the left side to open it

Dooors app 24: Take the torch and light the fires. Check the drawing. Pull the handle on the right side and continue it to the left, then back to the left. Make sure to pull the handle twice, except for the left one.

Dooors app 25: Take the magnifying glass and check the Japanese flag. We will get 2, 5, 6, 2 number to open the door.

Congratulations! You escaped! (You can tap the screen for more fireworks.)

Dooors app 26: To open the door, we should pull the ladder left and tap the chain, then pull the door handle. The door will move and we should hold it by pulling the door right handle.

Dooors app 27: Check the color on the wall and feel the balls based on the colors.

Dooors app 28: Tilt our phone to our right, so we can move the balloons. After that, we can raise and low the volume twice.

Dooors app 29: Take the machete and slide it to the right. Chop the vines with it and slide the white doors, then take the key. Use the key to open this door.

Dooors app 30: Turn the penguin, so they are facing each other.

Dooors app 31: Turn the phone upside-down, so the light turns green.

Dooors app 32: Tilt the phone to the right to slide our rock to the button with red color. Take the torch ro rid the bees and open the door.

Dooors app 33: Use the machete to cut the available cable. Slide the door right and left for four times and left for two times.

Dooors app 34: Move the plants by tapping them. Check the clue with a magnifying glass. Tilt the phone following the clock, so the door is opened.

Dooors app 35: Light the candles with the torch, Count the letter in each of the word, then adjust the stacks to the numbers.

Ok, that is the complete dooors app walkthrough and solutions for escape from every door on the dooors app game. Enjoy